Thursday, 9 December 2010

Let's get started

I'm aching to make something for me - to keep -  as well as writing running workshops and selling at Craft Fairs, which is what I'm doing with most of my time at the moment. 

It's that whole winter-night-cold-outside-wearing your-favourite-sweater-and-cuddled-up-by-the -fire kind of feeling, that makes me want to nest!

So last night I started a rag rug for the spare room. It's going to be around 3' 6" by 3' when complete and worked in random blue squares.

And it's going to be really simple, worked with a bodger rather than hooked, and I'm planning to finally use up the huge stash of blue material that I seem to have accumulated. 

Why so much blue left ? Well in one way I'm glad because it will go beautifully with the colour scheme in the guest room but really I've got no idea. Maybe it's because I've been making and teaching people how to make Christmas wreaths (mostly greens, golds and reds) or decorating tote bags (with either sunflowers or poppies) but whatever it's nice to be creating something I'm going to get to use, not sell, and make it for fun.

Which reminds me talking about teaching - I'm now taking bookings for post Christmas Rag Rug ' house party'.  It's a great way to lift those post Christmas Blues!

I've got quite a few in the diary all ready. It's a really great way to learn a new craft and catch up with your friends at the same time.  I'm happy to travel but outside a 25 mile radius of home add travel costs at the rate of  40p per mile. I'm happy to lead workshops for groups and organisations too - group sizes can then be from 10- 20

Rag Rug Courses:

All tools and equipment are supplied, participants are asked to bring along a pair of scissor that will cut fabric for all courses and additionally a needle and thread for the wreath course.

No experience is necessary. Everyone taking part can borrow a set of rug making tools, which are available to buy at the end of the session , although there is no obligation to do so.

The fabrics for the first two courses are all recycled materials – it’s a great way to use up all those old teeshirts that are destined for the charity shop or the ragbox!


  • Course 1: Rag bags from old Rags is a short course decorating a hessian tote bag using two different rag-rug techniques.
       The cost is £15.00 per head and 
        the course is two hours long.

  • Course 2: Rags to Riches involves designing and making something that could be used as a cushion cover or small pet bed.
The cost is £15.00 per head and course is two hours long.

  • Course 3: Rag Rug Wreaths is a slightly longer course designing and making a rag-rugged Christmas door wreath, using all new fabrics . The cost is £25.00 per head and runs for around 3-4 hours, ( say 10-3 with a long lunch break!!)
        Time is very dependent on how ‘ craft minded’ 
        your guests are.

        All of these can be done as a ‘house party’ with a
        minimum of 5 guests taking part. (max 12).  
        I need a fortnight’s notice to run a course.

       If you’ve got any questions or would like more details, please leave 

       email address in comments box and I'll get back to you ASAP
       Or take a look at my shop below and email me there


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